Daily Archives: June 1, 2010

The Gift of Friendship (and clothes)

Good Monday to you all! Hope you had a fantastic weekend, I sure did, busier than I normally prefer but nonetheless great. Today’s outfit is another, you guessed it a dress (told you I primarily wear dresses exclusively) and given to me by a friend who is a sister preacher as well as my youngest daughter’s godmother as well as a fellow fashionista. It is a Calvin Klein shirtdress with a A line skirt, accessorized with yellow gumball pearls, a skinny yellow belt and my favorite brown sandals. I am blessed to have a friend who is stylish, loves clothes as much as I do and shares her bounty with me if she can’t use something. She gave me a bag of clothes still with the tags on most, such as this one. Thank you to my girl for making this Monday a breeze to get dressed.

Weekend Wear

I do get dressed on the weekends but not always ready and willing to document what I am wearing. This past Sunday, I did have the presence of mind to take photos since I needed my camera for Sunday’s worship service.

Don’t I look like a slice of sunshine?
suit gifted by friend
camel shoes- Carlos Santana
This is my afternoon outfit change, I went to a bbq at my cousin’s home, so I wanted to be comfortable and wear something loose fitting so I could get my eat on without feeling constricted. My purple maxi dress fit the bill beautifully!

purple maxi dress- stole, borrowed and purchased from daughter
silver/gold thong sandals- DOTS
white camisole- idk