Author Archives: Minister of Style

About Minister of Style

I am a mom of 6, and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love fashion and always have but sometimes my vocation and my hobby clash. On this blog, I hope they can learn to co exist together. I also blog about my beautiful daughter, Tatiana who happens to have Down syndrome. She is the joy of my life and it is my prayer that people will come to know that people with Down syndrome are just that people first, the condition is secondary and should be treated as such.

I don’t know why

I moved to a new address months ago but it seems that some of you weren’t notified. Please come on over to my new home

Happy New Year 2011

As the year 2010 leaves, I breathe a sigh of relief! I know that the dawning of a new year does not instantly wipe away what has transpired in the past year, however after the year I have had, I need to embrace the fresh canvas that New Years brings. 2010 has not been good to me, it was a year of many personal crisis’s that threatened to shake the very foundation that I stood upon. It seemed as though everything in my life was falling apart and I was helpless to stop it. Ministry, marriage, children, friendships…everything that meant everything to me was being challenged, it was all I could do but hold on. But before you think I gave up, I want you to know that God is faithful!!!! He stood in the fiery furnace with me and kept me from being consumed. I now know what great is His faithfulness truly means and I understand that no test means no testimony! I am being prepared for work beyond what I could ever imagine but I must be ready, how else will He know that I can help somebody if I haven’t gone through the fire. So all things really do work together for the good.

I am ready for 2011 and all that God has for me, I am breathing in newness and letting a fresh wind wash over me…it is glorious. Today I will honor the hurt and pain that brought me to the healing of a new day. I will remember no more the works of the past but press on toward the brand new day ahead. So, shake the dust off and get ready for the new…I don’t know what that will be but I do know it will be the start to greatness.

P.S. I don’t know who, if anyone reads this blog but know that you are appreciated! Everytime you click on a link, I thank you for reading what I write. There is so much out there in cyberspace, you don’t have to come here but you do. Please stay with me, I want to get to know you, I want to have a relationship, let’s come together and talk…after all isn’t that what friendship is all about?


Friend Friday: A New Blog, New You

This is the last Friend Friday of the year 2010! It has been such a blast to be a part of a community of beautiful, intelligent and stylish women. What started out as one blogger Katy of Modly Chic posting her thoughts as a way to reach out to her readers and other bloggers, has rapidly become a huge chain of connectedness to the Style Nation. Our group has grown by leaps and bounds, it is exciting to see, and I can’t wait to see what comes next from the Friend Friday group.

1. What’s the one thing you vow to learn or do in 2011 to improve your blog?
I have to learn HTML! I do not understand the inner workings of blog construction, so I am often limited by the creativity of others instead of being free to create my own vision for my blog. I see exactly how I want to be branded but I don’t know how to get there in terms of the visual conceptions of the blog. My finances won’t allow me to hire someone to do it for me, so I have to do what I always do when I don’t have the cash- DIY.

2. What did you learn about blogging in 2010 that you plan to put into practice next year?
There were so many things that I learned about blogging that will help make me a better blogger. Katy Rose wrote an excellent piece on OOTD blogging that helped me greatly since I consider myself an OOTD blogger primarily. I plan to implement many of the tips I have been given to take me to the next level in blogging.

3. Do you have any high-level goals for your blog in the coming year?
Monetization? More comments? More connections with other bloggers? A new template?
Well I just purchased my own domain name so I’ll be moving things on over to my new place soon. I also am looking to revamp my blog’s appearance…look for a jazzier looking face in 2011! I want to post at least 5 days a week without fail. Daily posting is the name of the game in OOTD blogging. I don’t normally post on weekends because I rarely go out on a Saturday and Sundays are usually my most conservative dressing day as I am about God’s business. while I still believe in looking great, I do not wear clothing that will call a lot of attention to my appearance on Sundays (at least when in church). I am either in a suit or a robe, nothing too eye catching. I often do not post my OOTD because I am not pleased with how I look or how the photo came out but part of the growth is to push past the fear and do it anyway. Lawyerdoll is great at being transparent and honest regardless of how she feels the outcome is. I love her blog, she is so refreshingly honest.

4. If you could collaborate with one other blogger within your sphere of influence in 2011, who would you like to collaborate with, and what would you like to collaborate on?
Honestly there isn’t one blogger in particular but a whole slew of bloggers…too many to name names however I would like to start my weekly guesting posting of how Christian bloggers style themselves for church back up again in the new year. It is called Sundays Best (I know, so original, lol) I have already had Reiko of God’s Favorite Shoes and Leslie of Fashion du jour as guest bloggers and I am on the prowl for new posters. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested, no need to stand on ceremony and wait for me to find you. My spirit has been prompting me to start a Christian bloggers group so I am being prayerful about God’s leading in that area.

5. What do you plan to do to support other bloggers next year?
Keep on encouraging, nurturing and supporting when given the opportunity. I am dying to sponsor a New Jersey fashion/style bloggers meet up but I sincerely don’t know if I can take on the challenge alone. Any takers willing to partner up with me to get this party started?

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Well I can’t lie and say I don’t have any wants for Christmas because I do but what I will say is that if all I receive for Christmas is Jesus then I truly have everything I need. So on that note, I am blessed because I do indeed have a Savior, the Author and Finisher of My Faith, the Lover of My Soul and My Redeemer, Jesus.

Happy Birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas to All

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (KJV) Isaiah 9:6

Taking the Show on the Road

Since the season of holiday travel is officially upon us, the question that gets asked frequently is, how do you stay looking chic but comfortable? I am of the opinion that you can look good and not feel confined by your clothing if you make the right choices when it comes to travel attire. There will be none of that pajama bottom wearing foolishness going on over here, nor shall track suits be making the cut. I cannot condone that nonsense even for children who are traveling. Airports are still places where you will be seen last time I checked, so why do folks think it is appropriate to don attire best left for nocturnal travels?

Plane travel for me calls for three major things, warmth, comfort and pretty. Since everyone knows that planes are notoriously chilly, I must have layers that I can peel off and on as my needs arise. When I travel I am normally going from a cold climate to a humid, hot one so I wear clothing that can morph. My go to outfit is a maxi dress that I can layer a tshirt underneath, add a cardigan or a wrap, throw on a bold necklace, simple silver hoops (you may want to leave the jewelry off until after passing through TSA.) Some pieces of jewelry set the scanners off and you DON’T want to be the one holding everyone else up… can you say dirty looks. Finish the look off with ballet flats= instant polished! When I arrive at my destination, off comes the cardigan, tshirt and flats to be replaced with a pair of thong sandals stashed in my carry on and I am ready to embrace the gorgeous weather.

Road travel has most of the same requirements as airplane travel but I feel comfort is even more important. A plane ride is usually just a few hours where a road trip can be at least a day or longer. I took a mini road trip this past weekend to Canada, so a few minor tweaks were needed to maintain the pretty and stay comfortable. I never venture to cold weather locales (I am a hot house flower, lol) but friendship trumps personal desires sometimes, so we hit the road and headed up North. Since there was not a bit of warmth on the horizon, I took great care to stay warm while being stylish. A nice, chunky knit sweater with my skinny jeans tucked into knee high wedge heeled boots served me well, topped off a with a flyaway cardigan that I wore here. It was an 8 hour drive each way, so comfort was the name of the game, nothing constricting or tight allowed. I can truly say I felt relaxed the entire trip, never uncomfortable and looking good.

While traveling make sure you are prepared for delays, emergencies and entertainment by stocking your boarding bag with a few goodies. How I wish this was my boarding bag! My boarding bag is separate from my carry on, I carry all my immediate needs in there so I am not caught lacking, better safe than sorry. I never leave home without a travel roll of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, travel pack of Clorox Wipes and seat covers. These items became important when stopping at rest stops that were not the most hygienic. Snacks, communication/music (for me its all in one on the Blackberry) Kindle, change of clothing, and travel documents are in there to provide me with hours of entertainment if need be. Depending on the type of trip and length, the laptop may even need to ride and of course no travel is complete without a camera to document momentous occasions.

I pray that those who are fortunate enough to travel this season, stay safe and travel stylishly!

Friend Friday: Holiday Party Attire- Tuesday Edition

It’s Friend Friday (yeah, I know I am a few days late but better late than never right?) Katy Rose of Modly Chic is posing the question about how we will be getting our holiday look on.

1. Which holiday party are you looking forward to attending this year?
Unfortunately, I have no holiday parties to attend to this year…boo. I went to a wedding a few days ago, so that was my opportunity to get sparkly.

2. What is your go-to holiday party outfit?
I have of course the requisite LBD that would get glammed up with either chandelier earrings or sparkly enormous hoops, maybe a bold necklace depending on how strong the earrings are, pretty heels and a clutch to carry the essentials. Although I am in favor of eschewing hose, not in the dead of winter, so I may do some shimmer hose if my dress needs a pick me up or if not opaque tights.

If I could afford a new outfit, it would be this dress or this one

3. Do you go dressed in something that would be impractical to wear at any other time of the year?
No, I am trying to get away from purchasing clothing that can only be worn for special occasions however I do like to look more dressed up than I do normally…it is after all a holiday party!

4. If you are going to a house-party what gift will you bring to the host/hostess?
If I know that the host enjoys spirits then a bottle of wine to be opened at their discretion, if I am unsure than maybe a great smelling candle.

5. If you could buy only one trendy piece to update your holiday party wardrobe, what would you get this year?
A sequined pump. I love the look of a little flash with a LBD, it makes everything look just a bit more glam.

images: Zappos and edressme

Weekend Edition: News Flash….I am officially old

I have been missing for a few days but this time I have a good reason, I was taking a little weekend road trip with my husband. We drove up to Canada to attend the wedding of a childhood friend of my husband and had a fabulous time. The first night we arrived my husband’s friends wanted to take us out since it was our first time in Canada. We went to a club that confirmed, I am a mature woman. I swear I was the oldest person there but I held my own…I can dance and I know I looked great, lol so I didn’t have any qualms about that. It was just a little weird…I guess I felt out of place but I survived and actually had a great time. I don’t have any photos of me that evening but here are a few of me at the wedding. I am behind with my posting, so expect my Friend Friday post shortly.

It's Traveling….

Today I’m over at Kimberly’s house, Fab finds Under 50 giving my take on the Traveling Scarf. Come on over and see how I did it.

See ya there or you are definitely square(ok, I didn’t meant that but it rhymed..just come ok)

It’s Traveling….

Today I’m over at Kimberly’s house, Fab finds Under 50 giving my take on the Traveling Scarf. Come on over and see how I did it.

See ya there or you are definitely square(ok, I didn’t meant that but it rhymed..just come ok)

It's Traveling…

Today I’m over at Kimberly’s house, Fab finds Under 50 giving my take on the Traveling Scarf. Come on over and see how I did it.

See ya there or you are definitely square(ok, I didn’t meant that but it rhymed..just come ok)